Something I’m a bit proud of - over the last six months or so, I have been doing some pro bono work for Sudden Cardiac Arrest UK - editing their Life After Cardiac Arrest podcast.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest UK is a community that supports, educates, and advocates for survivors of cardiac arrest. Starting as a simple Facebook group for survivors to share their stories and get support, it has grown into an organisation that runs events, provides invaluable resources and information, and even holds a Guinness World Record for largest meetup!
The Life After Cardiac Arrest podcast is produced and hosted by Paul Swindell, one of the leaders of SCA UK. It features interviews with survivors and health professionals sharing their stories and their expertise on cardiac arrest. Being for a community support organisation, the podcast is totally produced by volunteers and run on virtually no budget, so I’ve had to clean up some occasionally dodgy audio as well as well as the verbal stumbling of some of the guests. That said, this is a show by and for cardiac arrest survivors - it’s just a matter of getting out the way and letting them tell their stories.
Editing the show has not just kept my Audition skills sharp, but also taught me about cardiac arrest and the issues that arise from these life-changing events - from the importance of first aid training and public defibrillators, to the struggle with the trauma that affects not just survivors but their friends and family too.
You can subscribe to the show here, or have a listen below.